It’s the last few days of October. This means it’s almost Nanowrimo time!
I can’t even remember when I first started Nanowrimo (at least 10 years ago) and I have won at least twice. But done nothing with it (see previous post).
For me, a successful Nanowrimo is all about the discipline. Not the fun kind with riding crops, but the boring kind.
Here are my 7 uncool tips for a successful Nanowrimo vomit draft.
- Consistency – yes, discipline is boring and unsexy but you can’t get around it. Commit to your 1667 words per day. Do it every day for a month.
- Be a hermit/shut-in – what’s more important, giving birth to your awesome novel or going out for drinks with people you don’t really like to places you hate? Tell your friends you’ll see them in December.
- Unplug – the TV, the internet… out out damned distraction. Do you really need to see another video of a quirky cat or a teenage boy cracking his knackers on a stair rail?
- Go with the flow – if you are having a good writing day, just let it keep going. Weekends (if you are M-F 9-5 like me) are great to get bulk words down. This gets you ahead for the days when life gets in the way
- Preparation – I’m a plotter. I do love a spreadsheet or a Gantt chart. My tip is plot as much as you can now. Then if you get stuck or have exhausted a storyline, you’ve got somewhere to go.
- Just keep writing – you get a mental blank spot, just keep writing. Even if it’s garbage, a story will appear as you keep typing. Sometimes it’s your best idea ever.
- Don’t reread your previous work – don’t look down, just keep going. You can reread and edit in December. November is about quantity not quality.
- Be kind to yourself – there’s always December. Or 2015.
Hope this helps you and Happy Nano-ing!
Daniela Pesconi-Arthur
Hi Madeleine! Just found you on Twitter. 🙂
Very interesting post. I’ll keep those things in mind.
Thanks Dani
Glad you liked it. Go get ’em!!