In an ideal world, my writing space would be in a room overlooking craggy cliffs.
The floor to ceiling windows would open out to the sea, where I’d watch the ever-changing weather roll in and the waves crash against the rocks. I’d be inspired by the power of nature, the wild and moody weather.

Unfortunately named “Suicide Cliffs” in Okinawa
The room itself would be plain and white, with no distractions besides my computer and my creativity.
Imagine the science-fiction I could write from this room…
Or something monastic.
Perhaps my latent historical fiction would come to life here.

Mount Grace Priory, Yorkshire
But in reality, my writing space is like this.
Messy yet functional, surrounded by books and CDs (yes, Gen X), post-it notes, a thesaurus, water, a comfy op-shop chair, story outlines and writing structure reminders.
My only mandatory items are the laptop and the headphones. I wrote the first drafts of Return to the Monolith while my house was under renovations, from the kitchen counter (with headphones on blocking out the noise of power tools) or the local library. I found I could write anywhere.
So the ideal writing space is not necessary for writing but it’s nice to dream.
What’s your ideal writing space?
Melanie Noell Bernard
Wow! I love how grandiose your preferred writing spaces would be. đŸ˜® Mine sounds pathetic: darkness. Heh! I find that I write best with very little distractions (no noise, no movement) and low lighting. I think the lack of ‘noise’ around me helps my mind to disappear into my world better than constantly being dragged back to reality. Does that make sense? It’s probably why I write best in the late hours of the night or they very wee hours of the morning.
Lack of noise is super important for me too. That’s why the headphones are a must. You’ve inspired me for another post on the music I listen to while writing.
Melanie Noell Bernard
Haha! But see, you just said ‘music I listen to while writing’. I can’t! Absolutely, positively canNOT listen to music while writing. Granted, my brain was music-oriented long before it was writing-oriented. So, if any music is around, my brain auto-tunes to pay attention to it. Though, I can occasionally use it for background in a busy setting, but only specific music works and I can’t be familiar with the song. *sigh* #writerproblems :/
A. J. Lundetræ
I have a dream of writing in a white room with almost nothing in it as well. Open space. Lots of space for ideas to explode. I would love the view to be over a vast, wild meadow with a forest at the far end of it.
But I’m nowhere near it, either. I find it very inspiring to see other writers’ workspaces. In the midst of everything – we find the opportunity to write anyway. Our minds and something to write with is really all it takes. Although someday, we might get those white rooms… Thanks for sharing!