Last week (last century in internet terms), the hot trending hashtag was #womeninfiction. Everyone chiming in with their favourite female characters. I jumped on the band wagon and here’s my picks in more than 140 characters.
In no particular order:
Harriet the Spy – Louise Fitzhugh
Harriet M. Welsch, an eleven year old budding writer, who started jotting down everything she saw in a notebook. I’ve just reread the synopsis of the book and I can’t remember any of the rest of the plot! But her inquisitive ways, her bravery and her love of tomato sandwiches stuck with me to this day!
Lisbeth Salander – Steig Larsson
“Salander was the woman who hated men who hated women.”
A powerful messed-up character, who you cheer for, cringe with and cry for. Smart, stupid and stubborn. The only female character here written by a man.
Pippi Longstocking – Astrid Lindgren
“Don’t you worry about me, I’ll always come out on top.”
Free-spirited girl, strong and brave, clever and resourceful. A rocking role model for any girl.
VI Warshawski – Sara Paretsky
I went through ten years of avid crime reading. Then one day I woke up and seemed to have moved on. One of my earliest reads and loves was VI Warshaswki. VI was the original self-sufficient, tough, clever female private investigator.
Super exciting post script – Sara Paretsky tweeted me back to thank me for my nomination. Squeee!
I’m sure I’ve missed a million others, who are your #womeninfiction?