Today, an interview with a beloved beta reader of mine, Andrew. Andrew’s a voracious reader and so let’s learn a little more about his reading habits.
Tell me a little about yourself?
OK, single. Love city living. Currently binging on the show Jane the Virgin.
What are you currently reading?
The Age of Miracles by Karen Thompson Walker. It’s about what happens when the world’s roatation slows down through the eyes of an 11 year-old girl. Good read.

How and when did you develop your love of reading?
I’ve always enjoyed reading, but it wasn’t until around 2007 when I started really buying up books by the tonne each year to read.
It kind of got kicked started from a friend I worked with you would mention the books she’d read each morning to and from work on her 1 hr train ride.
What are your favourite genres?
At the moment I’m really into supernatural drama
What was the best book you read in 2015?
Hounded by Kevin Hearne. Can’t recommend it enough. Really enjoyed it was wasn’t expecting much as urban fantasy isn’t something that’s ever been on my radar. Had the book on my shelf for nearly 3 years before I even opened. Once I’d finished I ordered the next 7 books in the series.

Who is your favourite character of all time?
I’ve got to give this one to Scarlett O’Hara. I was Gone with the Wind obsessed as a 16 year-old and what I loved about Scarlett is that she had everything against her but she never let it get in the way of what she wanted.
GWTW is still my most read book. About every 5 years I pick it up and enjoy the over 1,000 pages epic.

Are you monogamous with your books? Or a book sl*t?
Oh, I usually have about 3 going at once. I pick one up each morning depending on how I feel.
Note: Sl*t.
Where is your ideal place to read?
Home on the lounge with a quiet CD playing in the back ground.
How do you decide what books to buy? What influences you?
I admit I do judge a book by it’s cover. Kevin Hearne’s Hounded got me by the hot guy on the cover. He he. The cover gets my attention, but it’s the synopsis on the back that will get me to buy a book or not.
What’s your reading goal for 2016?
I’m not going to mad this year, just a small goal of 35 books.
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